I first started considering getting an MBA in the Summer of 2006, after realising that I needed to learn a lot more about business if I was going to realise my dreams of starting a successful company. In March 2008 I sat the GMAT after a haphazard canceled attempt 10 months earlier. I applied to Harvard, MIT Sloan, Stanford and Wharton in the Fall of 2008, thinking that I had a fair chance of admission at these schools. I was wrong. Thankfully, I had also added to the short-list a school that I really liked and, as they say in MBA lore, is a good fit - Kellogg. I was admitted to Kellogg in December 2008. These blog posts chart that journey and beyond.
Application Advice:
- the GMAT
- my advice on the application process and 5 more tips
- That Stanford question: "what matters to you most and why?" (1) (2)
- my essay reviewers
Other Advice:
- developing a plan for entrepreneurship at business schoo
- starting a business at/after business school
- European VS American MBA considerations
- Kellogg's differentiators
- tips from Kellogg alumni on the Kellogg MBA
The Schools
- Philip Delves Boughton (1), (2) ; info session, stats ; a Harvard alumnus banters
- draft essays done ; almost mistaken submission ; application submitted ; no interview invite ; denied
- application form ; draft essays done ; application submitted ; interview invite ; interview ; admitted
- researching Kellogg and finances ; psychological affect of Kellogg admission ; contemplating Chicago weather
- getting ready for Kellogg's admit weekend, DAK ; Kellogg admit weekend ; Kellogg VC/PE conference
- anticipating KWEST service trips
MIT Sloan
- info session, stats ; entrepreneurial strengths
- working on essays ; draft essays done ; application submitted ; no interview ; denied admission
- entrepreneurship information
- draft essays done ; application submitted ; waiting for Wharton interview invite ; Wharton interview invite ; interview ; denied admission
Chicago GSB / Booth
Other: LBS, Tuck, Insead, Columbia: thinking about Round 2
The Admissions Process Experience
October 2007
December 2007 & January 2008
February & March 2008
June 2008
- determining career goal (1) (2)
- shortlisting schools
July 2008
August 2008
- online application form confusion
- working on essays
- schools open applications
- have i written this essay before?
- Olympic distractions
- bugs in online application forms
September 2008
- lacking adrenaline
- depression
- banking crisis, draft essays done
- HBS, MIT info presentation, stats
- my essay reviewers
October 2008
- Wharton application submitted
- Harvard almost mistaken submission
- applications submitted
- Kellogg interview invite
- Kellogg interview
- worrying about exchange rates
- waiting for Wharton interview invite
November 2008
- the experience of others applying
- thinking about Round 2
- moaning about student readers, who read applications
- no Harvard interview invite
- Wharton interview invite
- lots of "dings" across the blogosphere
- Wharton interview
- selling my MBA research materials
December 2008
- considering Seth Godin's "alternative MBA"
- waiting for admit decisions
- no MIT interview; doubts over the need for an MBA
- admitted to Kellogg
- denied by MIT & Wharton
- developing a plan for entrepreneurship at business school
- researching Kellogg & finances
January 2009
- opening a US dollar account
- horoscope reading makes me thankful
- psychological affect of Kellogg admission
- denied by Harvard and Stanford
- contemplating Chicago weather
- getting ready for Kellogg's admit weekend, DAK
February 2009
March 2009
- retrospecting on the admissions process, here and here
- anticipating KWEST service trips
April 2009
Rants / Opinions
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