Here is a selection of material that has been used by TestMagic's top scorers, as according to their debriefs. In particular, the posts by larzke, amitg_ind and imjimmy.
- OG (Official Guide)
- Manhatten GMAT books - explains concepts.
- GMAT Club Challenge Sets
- Posts by Erin and 800Bob on TestMagic
- Make notes in Google Notebook
- Clintonn's vermabl notes
Sentence Correction:
Critical Reasoning
- LSAT papers from Scoretop
- 1000CR.
- 1000 / 3000 CR
- LSAT Official Tests
- Math archive from Manhattan.
The following is the extensive set of resources directed from TwinnSplitter's debrief.
Sources of Quant Questions:
1) Kaplan's Math Workbook did every problem in the book
2) Kaplan 2005 (with the CD) did every problem in the book, as well as all the Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency Tests on the CD. However, I didn't do any of the CAT full length tests, which I'll discuss in practice tests.
3) Official Guide only did the questions categorized as hard bin by this document (Classification of OG questions according to difficulty level).
4) I bought Kaplan 800 but never ended up having enough time to get to it. However, I've heard great things about it, and would thus recommend getting it.
5) TestMagic--Quant Section. Like Grey said, if you search all topics started by Nuthan in the DS section, you'll get hundreds of DS questions to practice on. Also, searching posts made by Lego, Grey, and Shaq can be a great way to find the best problems on this site, and it will also show you how the math geniuses approach problems. But while we're on the subject of math geniuses--don't be intimidated if they come up with brilliant solutions you never would have thought of. Many of the quant questions on this site are much more difficult than what you'll see on the real GMAT.
Quant Resources (note--I probably shouldn't even include all the comb/perm stuff on here b/c I know you guys will spend too much time on it then , but I figure if you're going to waste your time on it, might as well have an easier time finding the stuff
Must Have:
Great Math Review (Math Reviews - Best for going over basics)
Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions
Overview of Combinations
Overview of Permutations
HCF and LCM Stuff -- The beginning is simple, but further down there are some helpful tricks I didn't know about
Venn Diagram -- check out my post second from the bottom on the first page. Has everything you need to know about 3 category sets.
Note: For two category sets, it's simply P(AuB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(AnB)
Everything You Need For Prob/Comb/Perm (A complete guide to Permutation, Combination and Probability. All you need for GMAT)
Compilation Of Prob/Comb/Perm Questions
Compilation of Tough Problems (Compilation of some tough problems)
Also Helpful:
How to do well in quant (How to get a high GRE quant score - For average math or non-math test takers)
Basic info on standard deviation (math reference in Kaplan tells you how to calculate it)
Info on Probability (Permutations,combinations & probabability)
More Permutations
More Combinations
More Prob/Comb/Perm
Angles and Arcs
Resources for SC:
Spidey's SC Notes
1000 SC's (1000 Sc?)
Grammar Reference Didn't use it myself, but looks pretty comprehensive for anyone who wants to check it out.
Resources for CR: "Next Ten Actual, Official LSAT PrepTests"
free LSAT test Resources for RC-- I'm not sure regarding the quality of any of these because I haven't gone through them, but I did copy good links whenever I saw them in case I needed more practice for RC, so I figured I might as well share :-) :
Ten Vocabulary Learning Tips (The Ten Best Vocabulary Learning Tips) if you feel like not knowing some of the words in the RC's is hindering your ability to do well (although it's very normal not to know some of them).
More RC Materials (FEARING RCs, here is the SOLUTION!!!!!)
Even More (HOW to Improve your Reading Comprehension Skills)
Resources for AWA:
Erin's Template for Analysis of an Issue (Magic Template)
Template for Analysis of an Argument (Argument Template!)
Sybersport's (who got a 6.0) Advice (6.0 :-) And my advice)
Formatting Rules (makes the grader nice to you!) (How to format your essay)
More General Resources
There's tons of good (free) stuff I found through TestMagic! Here it is:
All 9 Paper Tests
Calculating Paper Test Scores (How to calculate ETS Paperbased Test?)
OG Softcopy
Free Manhattan GMAT CD
Categorization of (Classification of OG questions according to difficulty level)OG Questions (I know I've linked to it already, but just wanna make sure everyone gets it, it's really helpful!)
Too many resources to name
Answer Grid that Times You (New GMAT Practice Grid)
Prep Strategy Site
Prep Strategy Site #2
Prep Strategy Site #3
- Towson University's Online Writing Support: All the content in one place with very good exercises.
- The Parts of Speech - A simplified guide to grammar. You can start from here for basic concepts which you do not understand.
- Guide to Grammar & Writing – The most comprehensive grammar website on the internet.
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