Kellogg Interview Completed  

Posted by Dino in , ,

I turned up for my interview with the Kellogg alum at the pre-arranged venue. Unfortunately, he was not the hot, young girl the adverts promised.

I've had my Kellogg interview. Overall, I am satisfied with it. I want to shout out thanks to HappyBunny and Soni for posting their experiences. The themes were similar to what they mentioned, but the questions were quite different. In fact, I think it is the type of interview where you can not really prepare a huge amount, even if you know the questions. You really just need to know who you are and have some stories to tell that are anchored in your resume and consistent with your application.

The first half of the interview was centered around walking through the resume. The interviewer asked very specific questions on this and various experiences I mentioned on the resume. The second half consisted of more generic questions that were very much in line with the original Kellogg essay questions from this year and previous years (look them up). If anyone wants to discuss specifics, punt me an email.

I think I rambled in several places and my delivery could have been much, much better. If I am fortunate to get further interviews, I will definitely have to work on this.

Best moment: He starts the interview by saying, "you have a very interesting resume". [This was a confidence boost for me].
Worst moment: "Is the colour of the tie you're wearing Harvard red?" [*cringe*]

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