Although I don't believe in horoscopes...  

Posted by Dino in

Me too. (c).

I'm not a big believer in them, but the horoscopes in a paper I sometimes stumble upon are particularly good. It must be because these horoscopes are particularly good at making vague but precise prescriptions (or barnum statements as they're called).

I'm a Cancer. Just take a look at this horoscope from Monday 5th:
(Their text in purple, mine in black).

Happy new year, Cancer! January is a time for counting your blessings, so think of all that you have now that you didn't have this time last year [yes, Kellogg – thank you]. Yes, there may have been casualties along the way [i.e. my other applications], but if nothing else you've learned how to make the best of life [uh, huh – don’t do too many things at the same time, e.g. applying to too many schools in one round]. Life is due to give back to you this year, so look forward to it [yes, please – I’ll take some of that].

Maybe the outcome of your MBA pursuit is already published in a horoscope, here:

Damn, I must sound like a girl.

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"Visit family this weekend if you can. And not family that you visit every weekend, either. You know perfectly well, Aquarius, that someone you don't see that often would love to share in a bit of your time – so why not give them that gift? Remember that blood is thicker than water, and make the effort soon." well... all my family lives across the pond and I have to finish my kellogg-part2. how the heck should I do what my horoscope asks me to?!

10 January 2009 at 01:18

"Visit family this weekend if you can. And not family that you visit every weekend, either. You know perfectly well, Aquarius, that someone you don't see that often would love to share in a bit of your time – so why not give them that gift? Remember that blood is thicker than water, and make the effort soon." well... all my family lives across the pond and I have to finish my kellogg-part2. how the heck should I do what my horoscope asks me to?!

10 January 2009 at 01:18

LOL. Maybe it means your metaphorical MBA applicant family. Visit the ones that will improve your application? And once you are admitted, your alum connection will be like a blood connection. Crikey, I'm starting to sound like them now :-/

10 January 2009 at 01:33

LOL. Maybe it means your metaphorical MBA applicant family. Visit the ones that will improve your application? And once you are admitted, your alum connection will be like a blood connection. Crikey, I'm starting to sound like them now :-/

10 January 2009 at 01:33

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